argan oil

Love Your Tresses

Hair Care

hair care

One question I get asked the most often would be about my hair. What I do to style it and how I take care of it. The best starting point would be my daily shower routine where I basically shampoo with Herbal Essences and condition with OGX Renewing Argan Oil of Morocco. In the shower I have a wooden comb that I brush the conditioner through with, leave in for the duration of the shower, and rinse out at the end. Next I towel drive my hair for a few minutes and then apply a spray on leave in conditioner from the middle to the ends of my hair. The one I use is Healthy Sexy Hair Soy Tri Wheat Leave In Conditioner. After that I use a spray gel from Garnier. Finally, from OGX, I apply a small amount of Argan Oil to the tips of my hair to keep them smooth and shiny. I brush all of the products through my hair and then simply let it air dry over night. I was blessed with naturally wavy hair, thank you mom!, and use the spray gel to keep the hold throughout the day.In the morning I put my hair in a small bun while I wash my face and put on my makeup. After that, I let it out, and brush the top to keep it smooth. I've always adored my hair color and natural wave and truly believe my hair has stayed so healthy because I do not use heated hair styling tools on it.